101 definitions by some guy

An army of Warhammer 40k which use Gauss Weapons to disentigrate enemies particle-by-particle. Look like skeloton/terminator and are religous in an odd way.
I got the Necron Monolith today for $50 and it kicks ass!
by some guy July 4, 2004
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The combination of "Stomach and "Tummy" to make one conjunction "Stummy"
Hannah's Stummy Hurts.
by some guy November 18, 2002
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A general response to anything stupid, preferably written in lower case
"Hey everyone I like bananas!"

by some guy July 1, 2004
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A comic that's pretty damn shizzy when it dooesn't involve Thief tricking Black Mage. I hate Thief.
Black Mage is the best freaking character in 8-bit theater, no question.
by some guy November 16, 2003
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A kid with glasses who is annoying, is a retard(not really but acts like one), gets beat up by people... a lot, and has joy annoying people
Haithem just stole my shoe and now is running away with it!
That kid's a Haithem.
by some guy April 23, 2005
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