34 definitions by slim

the anal hole . . . nough said!!
look at yours in a mirror tell me it dont look like one!
by slim June 11, 2004
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The act of screaming and yelling for no apparent reason while receiving a blumpkin.
While John received a blumpkin on the can, he decided to add to the barneykin by slapping the bitch up side her head.
by slim October 23, 2004
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the poo you drop off after a night drinking sambuca
just had a dirty buca poo
by slim June 12, 2004
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n. Gimonstronourmous breasticles. tittays
Walking down the street, I spotted this bird with beautiful chichongas. I wanted to go over there and just.. grab em.
by slim September 7, 2004
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The act of been 'christied'. Named after Christy McFelch, a legandary party animal from Felchard. He would drink so much and take so many drugs that he would curl up with his tongue hanging out, unable to respond to stimulus. Getting into this state became known as 'been christified'
by slim November 14, 2004
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a bird that looks far to ugly for words to describe!
what a marsh monster
by slim June 11, 2004
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