157 definitions by simon

A pubic wig is a Merkin as opposed to the other defintion which appears to be a spelling mistake.

Merkins are worn on stage for nude scenes and have a very long history, being mentioned in the OED in the 17th Century
by simon April 4, 2003
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Person who attempts to play CS but is constantly gettin owned by Slim3y
hahaha what a Duuuncan
by simon August 28, 2003
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noun, 1) one who is totally lacking in originality; a hack, 2) the state of writing on repetitive subjects for at least four years.
1) wow, her writing totally sucked. yeah...what a dooce! 2) hmmmm... ANOTHER piece about poop and how supercool her baby is. yeah, she's in the dooce.
by simon February 1, 2005
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Gay Sex Slang Term.

The process of making bucked teeth and digging the frontmost pair into male anus.
I fancied a felch from Adam, but instead he gave me a buxx job.
by simon December 28, 2004
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I just got some buxx from Jeff and Carmine in the mens restroom.
by simon December 28, 2004
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Spammer, hack and poker-playing fatass.
Buxx just sent me an unsolicited commercial advertisement for a get rich quick scheme.
by simon December 28, 2004
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