24 definitions by scorpionmintred

1. When a man is a fiend for having sex whilst the woman is on the rag, but cannot find himself a menstruating woman, he secretly squirts ketchup into the woman's vaginal canal before sex.

2. When a man's girlfriend is not on the pill, and he wants to cum inside her when she isn't actually on the rag. He secretly squirts ketchup inside her vaginal canal whilst she sleeps so she wakes up thinking she has her period.
Woman: "My entire reproductive tract is ruined from poor man's menses".

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Woman: "I don't know how I keep getting pregnant while I'm on the rag!"
Man: "Maybe it's all the poor man's menses I've been squirting inside you?"

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Abortionist: "What the hell is that??"
Woman: "Poor man's menses and a week-old fetus?"

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OBGYN: "What the hell is that?"
Woman: "I don't know, but it goes great with french fries!"

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OBGYN: "Damn, this goes well with french fries!"
by scorpionmintred December 28, 2004
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A proper noun used in place of calling someone "Jewish" for being cheap.
Sarcasm Master: "Why don't you spring for the large fries, Count Von Pennies?"
by scorpionmintred December 28, 2004
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1. (n.) The ape whom once conquered hot-air-ballooning, as only man had previously done.

2. (v.) The act of, upon ejaculating into a woman of ill-repute, jamming as many bananas as possible into her vagina. The man then whips out a spoon, takes a scoop, and offers the woman a serving of the mashed bananas. She then declines, and runs from the room screaming. The man then consumes the spoonful, takes his briefcase, and leaves.
"God Bless that Ape Wellington for showing us all that extremely boring balloon flight is possible!"

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Friend: "Do you smell bananas?"

Woman: "No."

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Woman: "Have you found the problem?"

OBGYN: "No, but this here is delicious."

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Tickles Brick Tickles: "Honey! Come back! I thought you would enjoy it!"

Woman: "Why?"

Tickles Brick Tickles: "At least your twat doesn't smell like fish."

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Ape: "Wunhh wunhh wooo wooo!"

Woman (to self): "O, why did I ever have sex with an ape? He has no idea what goes where!"
by scorpionmintred October 22, 2008
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