12 definitions by ranger rimjob

Tobacco rolled in a paper usually w/ a filter and smoked. Marlboro's are good and most of the rest aint that good. i only smoke 1-2 a day, at max 4. i do it socially, when im cold or bored. this way isnt that harmful but when u smoke a pack a day thass bad.
If someone smokes it might not be b/c there trying to be "cool" like everyone says, like me and my friends smoke socially b/c were bored,theres nothing else to do.
I like Marlboro Reds or lights, but ultra lights feel like ur not even smokin. oh ya and i gotta use the word i defined so here it is: cigarette
by ranger rimjob February 18, 2006
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although they're weird everything and everyone affiliated w/ napoleon dynamite so i guess they're ok.
Jon heder is mormon, and no he didn't die!
by ranger rimjob March 22, 2005
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The best animals in the fucking world.
2. See starr jones
hippos kill a lot of ppl
starr jones kills a lot of ppl w/ her lameness
by ranger rimjob April 2, 2005
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I love the man, but I'm not going to go on with that, but rather prove a point to all the "Bruce Lee is better than Chuck Norris" bitches out there... Whose still alive? and how do you think Brandon Lee died?
As for Jackie Chan, He was in the movie The Tuxedo, instantly stripping him of his testicles.
Steven Segal is mounted above Chuck Norris' fireplace in his oklahoma home. Before he was locked in a cage and randomly and submissively beaten by chuck.
Jean Claude Van Damme died in a freak "had an appendage hastily removed after doing the splits on a chair and one of the chairs being roundhouse kicked out from underneath him" accident.
Chuck Norris once invited all of the other badasses from TV to duke it out in order to see who was the supreme badass. Only two showed up-- Jack Bauer and MacGyver.
Luckily for Mr. T., him and Chuck Norris have remained good friends throughout the years.
that covers any and every possible martial aritst/ t.v. badass ever.
MacGyver immediately tried to make a bomb out of some Q-Tips and Gatorade, but Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked him in the solar plexus. MacGyver promptly threw up his own heart.

Jack Bauer tried to use his detailed knowledge of torture techniques, but to no avail: Chuck Norris thrives on pain. Chuck Norris then ripped off Jack Bauer's arm and beat him to death with it. Game, set, match.

by ranger rimjob August 8, 2006
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Think of East Coast Las Vegas, but as glam and glitz, but still have casionos, hotels, prizefights, and the oh so sexy miss america pageant.
if u live west of the missisipi u go to vegas, if u live on the east you go to atlantic city.
by ranger rimjob February 24, 2006
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He's not the best rapper, but he's a fuckin businessman and u cant deny that hes got his name on clothes, shoes, a book, a movie, a video game, watches by jacob, even fucking water.
Only 50 cent can:
A: Get shot 9 times and not shoot back
B: Claim to be the "King of New York" but lives in Conneticuit
by ranger rimjob February 24, 2006
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What stupid soccer moms do to stop their childern from listening or watching or playing "devilish" media. When in reality it all comes back to the first amendment about free speech. If you don't like it change the channel change the station. dont ruin it for the rest of us whose parents arent retarted enough to stop us from learning what were goin to anyways. And ANYONE and i mean ANYONE who kills someone or cuts their wrists or commits a serious crime or suicide b/c of music games or tv DOESNT DESERVE TO LIVE
Curtis killed 38 people with a harpoon gun because he watched the osbournes... ya thats it.
So censorship must be the answer.
by ranger rimjob September 20, 2005
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