49 definitions by r

The name of a popular childrens cereal.
NOW with chocolate P-Diddys!!!!
Damn this bowl of Puff Daddy sure is good, now that there's some P-Diddys in it, its GRRRREAT!
by r March 19, 2005
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I'm headin down to da boot for da mardi gras
by r January 18, 2003
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An acronym for Lick My Cunt, commonly used on the internet.
"LMC, beeeeatch!" Said the jealous girl with oral herpes.
by r October 17, 2004
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Randomly guessing someone or something's password until you get it.
The cracker tried vainly to brute force his way in
by r December 13, 2004
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to hang ones balls out of their pants and walk around with them hanging out like that
"i was hanging brains over john and we took a picture to use as black mail."
by r November 20, 2003
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A dotcom blog where correct spelling is optional, even while calling others stupidddd.
Someone who has risen to the position of President of the United States of America called stupid by people that can't spell.
by r March 11, 2005
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Now it is used kinda like WTF?!?!?!?
Person 1: gfhfgjghhdfhkgjfkgjsdfifhdsj
Person 2: w00t?
Person 1: w00t!
Person 2: Ok then I will walk away
by r June 22, 2005
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