49 definitions by r

a booty that's hoochie on the outside and coochie on the inside
I want some of that hoochie coochie booty.
by r October 13, 2003
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The third Luton postcode
Lets all go to LU3...
by r May 8, 2005
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Something that is stupid and unexpected.

Pronounced "BUH-NEE!" in the style of the character from Nightmare Before Christmas who excitedly proclaimed BUH-NEE! upon seeing the easter Bunny.
There is no proper sentence structure for this word. It is a statement unto itself. Example: You see someone/thing stupid and you can't believe what you're seeing. You point at the person/event and proclaim "BUH-NEE!"
by r February 25, 2004
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A man/woman who is gangsta, a thug, a strong man.
That guy is diesed! He's crazy!
by r January 6, 2005
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A sandwich that consists primarily of government cheese and Jewish rye bread.
Damn.. I'm so hungry I could eat a Saint-Amour.
by r January 21, 2005
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Nearly starving to death, the vagrant used his last bit of charity change to buy a Saint-Amour sandwich, and a side of soup at the corner deli.
by r January 27, 2005
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A guy whose best achievement is his CHOAD
"That's MR CHOAD to you!"
"Yes, thats right, suck my cheesy choad"
by r March 26, 2004
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