56 definitions by pedro

definition of a black people, someone extremely black, a very nice black person
"omg, you are such mayu", "caiese puto", "puto >.<!!"
by pedro January 20, 2005
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That kid is a mega cojack
by pedro September 14, 2003
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This is a game invented by Josh & Kyle.

wut you need:

1. you need 1 superball
2. you need at least 2 players
3. you need 1 couch
4. you need a room to play in


1. no player at anytime may leave his/her knees
2. put the couch about three feet from the wall, parralel to the wall
3. throw the superball as hard as you can at the wall making sure to clear the couch
4. the object is to be the one to get the ball back, so you can throw it at the wall and domerock the other person.
5. most important rule, it is maditory to eat a butterfinger powerbar and drink a coke before starting any game of "supperball off the wall"
6. this game could get very expensive, make sure to clear the room before playing
"wanna play supperball off the wall?"
by pedro February 16, 2005
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superheroe, that lives near the valencia sambil, that goes on a skate, and has only one hand, his superpowers, are: "asking limosna, at an incredible high speed", "coñeazear a los carros, with his ultra strenght"
"mierda marico, ese mocho es un mamaguevo, viste todo el rial ke pide en un dia???", "mochooooo, mochoooooooouugh", "verga ese mocho cerca del sambil pobrecito", "marico se parece a nightcrawler won!!"
by pedro January 20, 2005
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Instead of going out to watch a movie and play air hockey, the loserd decided to stay home and study.
by pedro September 13, 2004
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a crab or cootie contracted from a mexican whe having sex with one.
by pedro July 26, 2003
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a genre of music that has emerged out of harcore music and been compined with emo, pop, punk, etc. to become an unpredictable, whisper to scream style that is above all emotionally, lyricaly, and musicly honest.
thursday, taking back sunday, the used, thrice, glassjaw, etc.
by pedro November 17, 2003
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