56 definitions by pedro

5 twins can be called cuffufflettes
shungi; nathan said you are a cuffufflette! lawrence is a cuffufflette.
by pedro November 29, 2004
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short sersponse from the phrase what the fuck?
what the fuck are u douin?
Data fuck- i'm douing this
by pedro March 9, 2004
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A penis that cannot get hard.
I took this chick back to my place, but since I was so wasted my horse didn't jump. So we ended up passing out.
by pedro September 29, 2003
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When saying "my bad", insterting bard rather than bad is a nice twist that is not expected. Or you could just not be a fuck up and never be at fault to have to say "my bad".
Damn, I want to split that bitches' oak. Oh my bard man, i didn't realize that was your mom.
by pedro December 5, 2003
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in the 1933 Little Rascals film titled The Kid from Borneo (1933)The kids' uncle George, whom they've never seen, is the black sheep of the family, and their father won't let him come visit. George is a promoter, and the kids mistake his Wild Man of Borneo for their uncle himself and bring him home. But the Wild Man has a sweet tooth, and his near-constant chant of "yum yum, eat'em up!" is predictably mistaken by the kids. Chaos ensues.
Man from borneo lifts bed skirt (where some of the kids are hiding) and chants 'Yum yum eat em up'
by pedro October 28, 2004
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