22 definitions by parlez
a simple and highly amusing insult, which probably has a deep and very interesting origin, of which i kno nothing. i just like saying it. so if u ARE interested in learning where this insult came from, please read the other definitions on this here page.
u divvy.
u divvy.
by parlez January 18, 2005
this is an infinately more irritating variation on the infamous "are we theeeeere yet?" question, which is relentlessly asked by bored children on long car jouneys.
whereas the question "are we there yet?" makes sense - seeing as you're talking about the place that you are HEADING to that you haven't actually REACHED yet - the question "are we here?" (which is asked as the journey is drawing to a close) is entirely infuriating. the reason is this: whenever, and WHEREever, you utter this question, the answer will always be 'yes! of course we're 'here' you silly child!! you could at least ask an annoying question that makes SENSE!!"
whereas the question "are we there yet?" makes sense - seeing as you're talking about the place that you are HEADING to that you haven't actually REACHED yet - the question "are we here?" (which is asked as the journey is drawing to a close) is entirely infuriating. the reason is this: whenever, and WHEREever, you utter this question, the answer will always be 'yes! of course we're 'here' you silly child!! you could at least ask an annoying question that makes SENSE!!"
parent: "ooh look, there's the sign for our hotel!"
child: "are we here?"
parent: *flips out and chucks child out of window*
child: "are we here?"
parent: *flips out and chucks child out of window*
by parlez January 18, 2005
quick, easy and annoying way of saying 'oh my god'.
it's time-effective blaspheming for all those busy chatroom-users!!
it's time-effective blaspheming for all those busy chatroom-users!!
"omg that is so cool!!!"
by parlez February 17, 2005
the best way to say 'shit' without getting told off, as you can simply say that you were trying out being Irish for the day.
also, see feck
also, see feck
by parlez February 17, 2005
exactly the same as 'fuck' but so much more fun to use.
originating from Ireland and put to great and hilarious use in the excellent show 'Father Ted', mainly by Father Jack, it is an excellent way to swear, as you can express exactly the same amount of frustration that you would through using 'fuck', but you don't get in trouble - great!
originating from Ireland and put to great and hilarious use in the excellent show 'Father Ted', mainly by Father Jack, it is an excellent way to swear, as you can express exactly the same amount of frustration that you would through using 'fuck', but you don't get in trouble - great!
by parlez February 17, 2005
the person to whom you pay a visit when your teeth are misbehaving and are giving you loadsa pain.
many people are scared of going to the dentist, probably due to large number of whirring, drilling, scraping and poking that goes on.
personally, i'm not scared of my dentist, as it is my mum. actually, scrap that, i'm VERY scared of my dentist BECAUSE it's my mum.....
many people are scared of going to the dentist, probably due to large number of whirring, drilling, scraping and poking that goes on.
personally, i'm not scared of my dentist, as it is my mum. actually, scrap that, i'm VERY scared of my dentist BECAUSE it's my mum.....
by parlez January 30, 2005
someone who trawls through random strangers' msn MySpaces, leaving inane comments in the vain hope that they might get some equally inane comments in return, in order to boost their own crippingly small sense of self-worth.
harsh but true.
harsh but true.
by parlez July 27, 2005