65 definitions by pantaloon

1)known also as a handy, this ancient method of rousing the troops has been a native american custom from before the landing of De Soto and Armstrong. It involves the rapid paddling of the labia until Custer is surrounded.
The minutemen were ready only 50 seconds after hearing the furious spattle of the "coochie war cry." The Seneca had used it to great advantage in the French and Indian War and the militia would not let that lesson go unlearned. Betsy Ross was in no mood for an unloaded musket, so she left the armory doors wide open.
by pantaloon January 15, 2008
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Something or someone associated in some way with feces.
Overheard at the Senate hearings-
Senator McCain: "General Petraeus, What is your opinion on the Fecal Matter?"
General Petraeus: "Sir? You are referring to the situation in Iraq, sir?"
McCain: "What? What in God's name are you talking about?"
Petraeus: "You were asking me about the bad situation we are in with Iraq?"
McCain:"What the hell? No I wasn't, you nincompoop! I just shit myself. I'm 70 years old, and it seems to happen more and more at these damnable hearings. I just thought you might like the interesting design it made on my trousers."
Petraeus: "I'm not prepared to comment on that at this point in time, sir"
McCain: "Very good, Petraeus. That will be all... Where the hell is my nurse?"
by pantaloon January 30, 2008
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1)When a group of guys get together to watch any TV show or movie, similar to when women's periods sync up. The body produces impressive and voluminous amounts gas to contribute to the overall social harmony with in the group.
2)The seniors' bus ride to & from Atlantic City from the assisted living facility.
1) Jenny tried to watch the game with her husband Jim and his buddies, but their collective group stink had formed an impenetrable force field that drove her out of the home.
2) The bus company pre-screened their drivers for their ability to withstand group stink, but the Nursing home had served dairy that morning. That, coupled with the floral scents of the Henderson sisters, was enough to knock the driver out. They fished the bus from the river two hours later.
by pantaloon January 16, 2008
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To be the first to initiate your step-brothers in a sexual act. In the same manner as Marsha Brady of the Brady bunch did to each of the boys Brady.
1)Peter(age 12yrs 2 months)(anal 17yr birthday)
2)Bobby (age 10yrs 6 months)(Oral and Anal 15yrs, 4 months)
3)Oliver (age 21yr 10 months)(As seen on the reunion show "A Very Brady Blumpkin).
4)Greg and Mike (Anal only and threesome)25yrs and 52yrs, respectively).
5)Tiger (Oral only, 157 in dog years).

Carol was willing to 'marsha" Mike and Greg in any entrance but anal, as she feared a very Brady pink sock. She had tried this once with Sam the Butcher, but Alice walked in on them, and he pulled out of the driveway a little faster than she was prepared for. Her mother always told her that pink socks and short skirts do not go well together, and she had earned her patch on that quilt.
by pantaloon January 28, 2008
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To have intercourse while wearing only a sweater and sox, the way Ritchie used to on the classic "Happy Days."
Mary-Beth Allen insisted that Ritchie Cunningham take off only his pants and tighty-whiteys when they screwed. She insisted it made his Pinky Tuscadero seem almost twice as large. It soon became all the rage, thanks to the graffiti on the ladies room wall.
by pantaloon January 28, 2008
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Someone who needs to watch figure skaters and Girls gymnastics to splume.
The Olympervert tried to time his finish for the exact moment of her dismount, but he misjudged and fired off at the springboard. The Russian judge gave him a 9.4
by pantaloon January 7, 2008
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1)a form of petty thievery where the thief has a limited amount of time before he must flee the scene, and so maximizes this opportunity by breaking the glass of a storefront or display and grabbing as much loot as is possible in a single swoop. Often a shattered mess is what remains of the scene.
2)George W. Bush and Dick Cheney's Domestic and Foreign Policy. Substitute the words " the glass of a storefront or display" with either "Iraq,""The Planet," or "The American People."
1) The proprietors had it coming. They were just begging for a good ol' smash and grab.
2)Substitute "Iraq", "The Planet," "The American People," "our grandchildren," for the word "proprietors." in the above sentence.
by pantaloon January 11, 2008
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