28 definitions by osirusR

a bong rip taken in the nude. An allusion to Matthew McConaughey's arrest for possession of marijuana while taking bong hits and playing bongo drums in the nude.
I woke up on Friday at 11 am, and started my day with a couple of McConaugheys.
by osirusR July 17, 2009
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another term for bigfoot, or sasquatch; also used to describe a particularly hairy and / or bearded man.

Can also be used as a title or proper noun.
Here comes the Squatch! What's up, Squatch!
by osirusR June 4, 2010
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A poop taken in the nude, i.e. a nude poop. To defecate whilst completely naked.
"Samy's in the bathroom taking a noop: a nude poop."
"Why does he take his clothes off every time he poops? So weird."
by osirusR February 5, 2010
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American slang for a private detective or an Irish cop. Commonly misspelled as "Shamus." Taken from Seamus, a popular first name among Irishmen. The slang meaning of the name is believed to have originated in the early 20th century.
"I'm a brother Seamus!"
by osirusR July 15, 2009
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the stimulation of sexual desire through humor.
His jokes served as a laughrodisiac, and the girl looked at him with desire flashing in her eyes.
by osirusR July 15, 2009
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