30 definitions by only$19.99,less s+h

A great cartoon cancelled by FOX. The main character, Peter, was even dumber than dare i say it, HOMER SIMPSON. And their evil baby Stewie was so badass.
I have every episode of family guy on DVD.
by only$19.99,less s+h December 27, 2003
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A good flash website that has thousnads of portal entries. newgrounds is poor because all they have is banner ads and ads all over the site for hentai.
I must ask a question-who can jerk it to a naked cartoon??
by only$19.99,less s+h January 13, 2004
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when you think you take a huge dump but then u get up and theres nothing there.
ghost poopie is phonemenon.
by only$19.99,less s+h January 13, 2004
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Funniest show ever. Aired on the FOX network, which started in 1986. MWC started in 87, making the first ultr-succesful show for FOX. When the show launched, it wasnt a hit, but later it caught on. Since this show, there have been many copy-off shows with dysfunctional families. None of them were as good. Ultimately, one of the funniest sticoms ever.
I still watch Married With children re-runs everyday on the FX channel.
by only$19.99,less s+h December 27, 2003
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beyond crappy, beyond shitty. if something is craptastic, it is somewhat an honor in the crap community.
When little Jimmy missed the toilet, the bathroom was craptastic. literally.
by only$19.99,less s+h December 28, 2004
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Best cartoon ever. it proved complete and utter morons could be role models. Then the ultimate evil,MTV, took it off air. at least we still have King of the Hill...
MTV is full of bastard sellouts.
by only$19.99,less s+h December 27, 2003
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