20 definitions by nubluva

Mr. T's version of our own average, pitiful, England-originating, latin-based, taking-from-basically-all-languages language.
Where a normal guy might say, "I feel sorry for whoever ticks me off next..."

Mr. T will say, "I pity the fool who looks at me funny!"

(That was an example of Mr. T-glish, just so you know, since UD needs me to use "Mr. T-glish" in the example)
by nubluva April 3, 2007
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What you get when you connect to your neighbor's wireless (or wired, for that matter) internet, with or without his or her knowledge.
Didja hear? Johnny connected his wireless ethernet card to his neighbor's wireless network, and now he's got neighbornet!
by nubluva December 27, 2006
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David: Guess my favorite color
Brittany: Blue?
David: How'd you know!?
Brittany: I'm a spychic
David: You mean you're a woman in espionage?
by nubluva November 11, 2005
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One who is a female and who's name you do not know, or have forgotten, or can simply not pronounce.
David: Did you get the homework from Mrs. MissWhat'sHerBucket?

Neil: Uhh, who?

David: The teacher woman who's class we have together.

Neil: Do you mean Señora, the Spanish class teacher?

David: Yes, I do.
by nubluva March 20, 2006
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1. An upper-body limb on a human.

2. A weapon, typically a gun of some sort.

3. Apparantly, a very under-appreciated word on the Urban Dictionary, seeing as how this is the first post under this word.
1. I just spilt hot wax on my arm.

2. The guy who robbed the bank was armed.

3. Nubluva found an old word that many people use, but no one has yet defined on Urban Dictionary.
by nubluva April 9, 2006
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Eleven cubed plus six equals one thousand three hundred thirty seven.

In calculator mode;
Eleven cubed plus six: (11^3)+6,
One thousand three hundred thirty seven: 1337.

1337 is a synonym for leet. Also, a type of speak (or 1337 5p34k) that is used to be "cool" by internet chatters, or to be humorous by overusing it to make fun of how overused it now is by almost every internet chatter.
nubluva: dont dout my power, n00b, i can hax ur c0mputer, steal ur pr0n and pleasur myse1f

Guy: Wow, you're... You're eleven cubed PLUS six.

nubluva: sure am
by nubluva March 29, 2007
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A synonym for "Beat That."

This is because almost all of the "Hot Wheels" commercials constantly shout the phrase, so much in fact, that the two have become interchangeable.
*random person is sniped by n00b*

n00b: Hot Wheels!
by nubluva March 3, 2007
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