126 definitions by nikki


Overly frilly, feminine, girly, to the point where it becomes distasteful. Often used in the context of discussing fashion, clothing or makeup.
"That skirt looked way too na-na on Angelina, but it would look great on Hilary."

"That pink lipstick looked so na-na on her."
by nikki January 16, 2005
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fizzly dizzly

i special word that the evil dwarfs say
by nikki September 20, 2003
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a boy/girl who is not cute but is not ugly but just aight
yo is ole boy cute, na'll he aight
by nikki December 27, 2003
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Jelly Bracelets

Jelly Bracelets are teenagers outlet to sexual frustrations and sickness. They have several meanings and some don't have meanings yet. Kids in my area make a vow to go by the bracelets when worn during school, or even just a normal outting. It's against ones will, to do something with someone they don't know, who snaps the bracelets. To some people they are just bracelets, but not in my area.
*Orange-kiss or outdoor sex
*Purple-kiss/anal sex/hug/oral sex/handjob
*Red-lapdance/fingering/oral sex(on a girl)/kiss
*Green-oral sex/make-out/hug/outdoor sex
*Clear-whatever the person who snapped it off wants
*Blue-oral sex/kiss
*Black-missionary sex/strip
*White-flash who snapped it off
*Glittery yellow-hugging & kissing
*Brown-toss my salad
*Glow-in-the-dark-use sex toys
*Pink-flash someone/make-out/kiss
*Glittery gold-make-out
by nikki February 24, 2004
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jelly bracelets

OK i love jelly braclets! this is what some of them means at my skool.
brown oral sex
black the full montiy
blue makeout
purple hug and kiss
everyone in my school is trading these jelly braclets at school i think they are awesome! Lucky for me no boys snapped my braclets yet!
by nikki February 29, 2004
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happy place

see happy world
alternate word for happy world
by nikki September 26, 2004
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