23 definitions by newsvava

In the movie Wayne's World, Wayne and Garth are always avoiding Wayne's ex-girlfriend Stacy, so when she's coming they shout "Stacy Alert".

"Stacy Alert" is therefore a generic heads-up when a person you want to avoid is approaching.
Stacy: Well, don't you want to open your present?
Wayne: If it's a severed head I'm going to be very upset
Stacy: Open it.
Wayne: What is it?
Stacy: It's a gun rack.
Wayne: A gun rack... a gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?
Stacy: You don't like it? Fine. You know Wayne, if you're not careful, you're going to lose me.
Wayne: I lost you 2 months ago. We broke up. Are you mental? Get the net!

by newsvava February 17, 2009
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Noun. A facebook message that sucks, often due to its level of gayness.

Verb. To suck at facebook, for example by sending only messages that are boring and/or totally gay.
Girl 1: Did you hear Colleen got engaged?!

Girl 2: I know, yawn. She sent me the gayest facesuck.

Girl 1: Yeah, Colleen sucks in real life and she facesucks.
by newsvava February 11, 2009
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A place that smells terrible in a curious and distinct way.

Although good and interesting smells may be present, the overall smell is coming to get you.
"Hurry up and buy that copy of The Yage Letters already. It smells like a psychic's house up in here."

"I need to go back to the hostel and shower, yo. I smell like a psychic's house."
by newsvava February 12, 2009
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Uh, where it says on facebook what you're doing right now.
Check out Oprah's facebook status today. She's still talking about how fat she got.
by newsvava February 11, 2009
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A person who can take a shit any place, any time, without anyone knowing about it.
Girl 1: How are you feeling?

Girl 2: Much better since I took a shit in your studio apartment, thank you.

Girl 1: Wow, I had no idea. Gold throwing star, Ninja pooper.
by newsvava February 21, 2009
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When a member of the opposite sex acts so casual around you, you become fixated on having sex with them.
Girl 1: Dude, I'm dying to sleep with my boss. He is being so sexy casual with me.

Girl 2: Is he being sexy casual or does he just not care about you?

Girl 1: I can't tell. His sexy casual is masterful.

Girl 2: Ooh, good luck having sex with him.
by newsvava February 12, 2009
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Links to videos or websites etc. that people send each other, i.e. nuggets that people trade.
Girl 1: Holy fuck have you been on urbandictionary.com? Soooo funny!

Girl 2: Dude, staple trader nugget.
by newsvava February 12, 2009
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