7 definitions by mr. pickles

Indulging in a brief bout of oral sex in a darkened hallway, alley or narrow opening.
brb... I'm just walking outside with my boo for some alley smiling
by mr. pickles October 22, 2015
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Things which nobody knows what they are. Coe found the word on a sexual stimulant.
What the fuck is a diton? I don't know, but I'm supposed to put a couple drops of this shit on em.
by mr. pickles January 12, 2005
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masturbation using only one's pinky finger and a dollop of hot sauce.
Walking a little funny today due to my spicy chicken finger sessions, last evening.
by mr. pickles February 9, 2015
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verb; jones'd
used in past tense

1.To have ones ass handed to one.

2.Embarresment in public
"You got jones'd" or "I jones'd your ass"
by mr. pickles March 28, 2004
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A vibrator that still works even though it is long dead and over used.
Wow, Trisha really pulled some McGiver shit with her Papa Smurf Vibrator. How does someone so dumb rewire electronic toys so well?
by mr. pickles January 12, 2005
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The act of overcoming constipation.
I ate way to much cheese a few days back, but after an especially challenging concrete pumper, I feel much better now.
by mr. pickles February 6, 2015
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