24 definitions by mhibma

(noun) A tpical fat ass.
Fat ass- Hey, don't eat the last box of ho-hos! I'm saving that for later!

Normal dude- Take it easy there, Lunch-Box...
by mhibma April 18, 2006
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(noun) Whippits are small metallic containers of nitrous oxide(laughing gas) intended for home use in whipped cream charging bottles. However, using a "cracker" and a large balloon, the user can open the whippit and release the gas into the balloon. The user then inhales the contents of the balloon for an amazingly intense, immediate, but albeit a short-term body and mind high. Typically referred to as "hippie crack". Sold in boxes of 12 or 24 in most headshops. Have fun!
Dude, this party is dead. You got any of those whippits left? I gotta cracker and some balloons in my car.
by mhibma March 4, 2006
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(adj) A chick who is so broke that she comes over and hangs out and whatever just to use the damn phone.
Hey you still on the fucking phone? WTF? Why don't you just go over there and talk, you fucking phonejacker?
by mhibma April 24, 2006
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(n) The result of opening a can of beer whereby the foam that comes out resembles the wings of an angel.
Dude, you know you've got a nice brew when you pull the tab back and the angel inside spreads her wings.
by mhibma August 8, 2005
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(v) Urinating on a willing girl after consuming vast quantities of Mexican beer. Can also mean to urinate in a gilr's ass and then having her shiss all over something or someone.
Hey, dude see that girl over there? I showed up at her place with a mini-keg of Dos Equis last Cinco De Mayo and gave her a Mexican carwash!
by mhibma August 30, 2005
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A person who camps out on the damn couch all the time complaining about why they can't work because of a disability, fucked up surgery, or whatever. Generally someone you have to put up to get something else.
Hey, I'm cruising by Scotty's for a sack, wanna come?

Nah, I know that John will be there...

C'mon it won't be that long...

Fuck that couch monkey. C-ya.
by mhibma April 26, 2006
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(n) Born behind the Redwood Curtain in Arcata CA, the Idiot's Convention is a semi-annual gathering of half-wits, nimrods, and schmendricks. Convention activities include copious drinking & puffing, too-much disc-golf, random concerts, and bowling.
Ay! Are we having an Idiot's Convention this year?

Fuckin' a we are! It'll be our 420th anniversry this year!
by mhibma August 8, 2005
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