121 definitions by matthew

Toyota about as american as a ford and yes i kno its not considered american but hey like i said as american as a ford
by matthew December 12, 2003
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A Japanese import made by Nissan known to kill bystanders with excessive noise polution and attract the attention of car slut's.
Victim 1: "I just sustained fatal injuries to my inner ear whilst crossing Chapel Street."

Victim 2: "I just got run over by 17 subwoofers on wheels."
by matthew April 3, 2004
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rolling on floor laughing my big ass off
boy: bitch
girl: I may be the female but you da bitch
boy: roflmbao
by matthew December 12, 2003
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Terrible event of Fake Football. It is overhyped and an unpopular sport outside of America despite what Americans will want you to believe. Oh but there is an NFL Europe I'm told, really? It can't be too popular if I and everyone else has never heard of it. The FA Cup gets higher ratings than the Superbowl worldwide.

And the World Cup is the grestest sporting event of the world, Americans need to learn that their sports are not popular outside of their country, sure they may have some leagues but they are hardly popular.
Guy 1: The superbowl is on

Guy 2: Oh that crappy overhyped American sporting event

Guy 1: Yeah lets watch the FA Cup instead, we'll see some real footballers in action
by matthew January 31, 2004
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Narcisistic nanometric nipple narfing wee-man.
Shibby, that squirrel totally SARSed Feinstein's room.
by matthew January 8, 2004
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let me see your coolee
by matthew December 15, 2003
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When something goes beyond desription, or when the word for it evades you.
That building is so "orsomething"
This food is very "orsomething"
by matthew April 1, 2005
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