121 definitions by matthew

learned from speed tv: Clag is the bits of rubber that get thrown off the tires to the side of the road outside the racing-line.
I have walked the track after a race, and they are often small specks to marble sized, and less-frequently but noticable golf-ball sized.
by matthew May 24, 2004
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A self righteous form of worshipping God. Someone who is religious worships God to look Holy in front of others. True worship comes with humility and NO condemnation and NO judgement of others. Religion is a set of laws and rules. True Christianity is not religion as it is not about the law, because we've been set free from the law and power of sin, by Jesus Christ's sacrifice, as out substitute.
Religion is rules that one is forced to follow.
by matthew October 9, 2003
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HIGH-lar-i-us (adj): A particularly clever yet unpretentious joke or situation which does not readily present itself as humorous absent higher intellectual processing. The rare occurrence where a British-style pun is actually quite funny. This definition, however, explicitly excludes esoteric, disciplinary humor such as that shared amongst PhD candidates, law-students and anyone remotely associated with the New Yorker.
1. It took me a while to realize that John Doe was actually highlarious.
2. "Everybody Loves Raymond" is neither highlarious, nor remotely funny for that matter. See: crimes against humanity.
by matthew November 19, 2005
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A male or transgender individual who feels an overwhelming compulsion to sniff and penetrate male a-rings.
Bumlover:let me lick your bum
Random sti infested tranny: OKAY
by matthew January 16, 2005
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something an administrator would yell to a group of hormonal horny kids, as to check to make sure all hands are doing what they are supposed to be doing.. and not down anybody else's pants.
they yelled hand check and all of us had to put our hands in the air
by matthew February 28, 2005
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The quickest online chatline to get an online mate.
"A/s/l" (Personal details - Age/Sex/Location)


"You're hot want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?"

"Sure, what's your a/s/l?"
by matthew March 18, 2005
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1. sketchy; shady
2. confusing or bewildering
1. He engiminously slid through the shadows.

2. this is quite the engiminous situation youve gotten yourself into.
by matthew December 18, 2002
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