7 definitions by marlasinger

Every naked person on basic cable seems to suffer from this mysterious disease that blurs the genital areas. If we work together we could find a cure for blur-itis by the year 2012.
All of the women who get breast implants on Doctor 90210 seem to contract blur-itis shortly before and after their operations.
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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1. The state of being freaky, odd, weird, moronic, strange, but ultimately laughably cool.

2. Having the characteristics of Captain Jack Sparrow.
I cut myself shaving a monkey. How totally sparrow is that?
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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A sexual act that involves having tea with a midget dressed up like Ronald McDonald, finding a Burmese python in Wisconsin and defeating the Dread Pirate Roberts.
Guy 1:Have you ever done a eulogy falls?
Guy 2: Oh yeah, it took me 3 weeks.
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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What my cousin used to call breasts.
I saw some Tundy Plumdies in the Sears catalog today.
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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The opposite of "upset". Has a positive connatation despite the prefix "down-". Which raises the question of why "upset" has a negative connotation if it begins with the prefix "up".
I was so downset the other day because my team won the superbowl.
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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Someone who can tell the color of an m&m just by tasting it.
Teacher: What the hell are you doing?
Student: I'm trying to see if I can guess what color I'm eating without using my eyes. I want to see if I'm Color Clairvoyant.
by marlasinger January 31, 2007
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