73 definitions by mOrGaN

A term created in the true north, by female students at a tech school, used to describe the application of a body lotion or creme.
Katie, when you are done lotionizing, would you want to watch a movie?
by mOrGaN January 23, 2005
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made popular by Paris Hilton. now only said by total posers. or wannabes.
*sees something cool* "That's hot"
by mOrGaN December 18, 2004
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The relatives of an inbred.
"I reckon that as it's your tenth birthday, Jodie Ann, I should tell yee a few thangs about who lives here with us, cousin Billy Bob here is your kinfolk, IN FACT, he's your brother, uncle, and husband too."
by mOrGaN October 17, 2003
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1. a non homosexual, yet still affectionate, relationship between men.

2. a type of relationship to be celebrated by society (although the non-platonic version should be celebrated to a greater extent).
1. "You bought a widescreen T.V. for football night?!? Dude, I love you!" (often followed by a manly hug)

2. "I saw Brad and Mike hugging each other and got super excited because I thought they were together. Too bad it just turned out to be platonic man love..."
by mOrGaN November 27, 2004
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horrendously ugly; violently deformed.
I can't believe he's dating a girl with such a busted face.
by mOrGaN April 23, 2004
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A Pikie is an inbred Irish gypsy. They can usually be found on caravan sites boning their cousins.
It is advisable not to walk your dog in a pikie infested area as they may steal it and try and sell it back to you at a price of around £5.
They also enjoy picking fights with people and will often use weapons.
A Pikie can be recognised by their crappy clothes, or that fact that their dog leads are made of bail twine.
Their language is also not very clear and it is easy to mishear a pikie.
That fucking pikie stole my dog.

Snatch The Language, its not English, its not Irish, its just.....Pikie.
by mOrGaN March 26, 2005
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