61 definitions by lotuspanda

people who will see a conspiracy in everything; skully
Those tools down at the Bunny Hutch are all area 51ers
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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1. a person or thing with hippie or tree-hugging tendencies; someone stuck in the 60s and/or 70s, usually a stoner or former stoner

2. a person who is totally into the 'green earth' movement that recycles, buys organic foods, and picks up others' trash
Did you see all the peeps at the music festival? They were all earthy churchy and shit.
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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nickname for a peculiar style of hair favored by middle-aged balding males who are attempting to disguise the fact that they ARE losing their hair; appear to have a brillo pad on the top of their heads
oh man, that dude needs a reality check, he's such a brillo!
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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the frantic behavior of a person who cannot decide what to wear for a party, date, or other event which usually involves the dispensation of the whole wardrobe across the room in total dismay.
Sorry I'm late! I had a costume drama situation
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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an answer given in the form of profanity, but not always out of anger
Tom: Hey Jim how was your weekend?
Jim: Fuck you! <answear>
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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an invisible device that has an overall negative effect on the wearer
Charlie must be wearning his bastard hat again
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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some remote location extremely far away; butt fucking egypt; back 40;
Jane: Hey Hailey, where are you parked?
Hailey: *points down the never ending parking lot* oh, you know the ass end of space
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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