10 definitions by laurence

Dang is a word that was originally used by southerners. It was instead of saying damn because... I don't know why.
That dang cat keeps getting out.
by laurence June 17, 2004
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In Flames are a Death turned Nu metal band that once was the (or one of the) greatest metal bands around. But after the release of Clayman the band went down hill making albums like Reroute To Remain
In Flames are touring with Killswitch Engage, are you gonna go?
Fuck yeah!
by laurence April 16, 2004
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Dont trust anybody. Slogan for WWE superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin
by laurence October 25, 2004
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An extremely talented new band formed by former Ensiferum member Jari Mäenpää. They play extremely good fast folk/melodeath/power metal. Their first album, the self titled "Wintersong" features only Jari playing every instrument except drums and Kai Hahto playing drums.
1: Did you get that Wintersun album?
2: Hell yeah, they rock!
by laurence March 16, 2005
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Fat Ugly Bastard. This teacher at my school was simply known as "Fubsy" because he was a bastard. And fat. And ugly. Even the staff called him that, behind his back, and he didn't have a clue.
by laurence March 20, 2005
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the act of when someone is high or drunk.
man: im so frizzed right now i can barely talk, u?
me: of course, would i be anything else?
man: nahhhh, straight edged people are shits to shit on when i show them my crack...
me: haha, crack in like what i am frizzed off of right now and butt crack
man: i know im hilar
by laurence March 7, 2005
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man: that was so deez when you jumped off that cliff
me: yaaaaa i know, but
man: but what mann
me: it was really undeez when you didnt jump off with me
man: haha, undeez sounds like undeez as in underwear, haha
by laurence March 7, 2005
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