14 definitions by lady lynxx

Is a fake form of bravery to cover up the fact that you are in fact really scurred. Usually shouted out to make it sound authentic.

Popularized by the song of the same title by Bonecrusher in 2003
Dude 1: So are we gonna jack this Bentley coup or not? Don't tell me that you gone yella on me!

Dude 2: Na bro! I ain't never scurred!

Dude 1: Aight, let's do this
by lady lynxx April 14, 2009
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A more severe meaning of 'wrong'
Even though Christina wearing those chaps was wrong, Britney shaving her head bald was even Wronger!
by lady lynxx April 15, 2008
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Basically a euphuism for semen.
*Two dudes are chillin in a bar and sippin on some brewskis*

Dude 1: Who were you talking to just now...wasn't that Isabelle?

Dude 2: Yeah it was Isabelle the hot French chick

Dude 1: Woah dude...she's really hot!

Dude 2: That she is. You know what would make her even hotter?

Dude 1: What?

Dude 2: My daddy cream all over her face....ha ha!

Dude 1: Damn dude...you can be such a mofo sometimes. But on some real talk I'd do it too if she let me!

*Both continue to sip beer and check out the chicks*
by lady lynxx April 1, 2009
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Basically a euphuism for anal sex.

Dude 1: Look at that sweet piece of round ass over there...

Dude 2: Who the new chick? Yeah she has a bubble booty alright...

Dude 1: So are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Dude 2: Yep, she's a perfect candidate for some world class s**t digging...

Dude 1: Aight then...watch me go over and get them digits!

Dude 2: Play on player...play on.
by lady lynxx April 1, 2009
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Basically a person who offers to help with work, but is really bluffing. They have an annoying habit of disappearing immediately after they offer to help thus leaving other people to fill in. The insult is when they conveniently turn up once the work has already been done.
Employee 1: Hey Amy! You look like you need some help there...I'll be free in like 5 minutes if you'd like a hand...

Employee 2: Oh thanks so much Becky! I'll call you in five!

*Employee 1 gets lost and isn't seen again for an hour*

Employee 3: Hey Amy, where's Becky? Isn't she meant to be helping you?

Employee 2: No, she's workfluffing again and I always fall for it!

Employee 3: Oh damn...I hate it when Becky workfluffs me. Makes me wanna smash her face in. Okay Amy I'll help you instead.

*Employee 1 returns an hour later*

Employee 1: Hey Amy, I'm sorry...I was on the phone to my doc about my appointment! It took forever dude!

Employee 3: Never mind Becky...I'm helping her

Employee 2 mumbles: I freaking hate workfluffers! Arrgh!
by lady lynxx April 6, 2009
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An affliction that affects people and caused them to spit out random stuff that has nothing to do with the current conversation!
Two chicks on the exercise bikes at the gym;

Chick 1: Man, this new workout is really making me drop some serious poundage! Or maybe it’s the South Beach diet working its magic…

Chick 2: Oh really? Good for you…I still can’t see the difference on my ass yet…

Chick 1: Well I’m totally gonna hit Victoria’s Secret at the end of the month and surprise my boo with some sexy lingerie…

Chick 2 starts singing loudly: ‘All the Single Ladies! All the Single Ladies!’

Chick 1: WTF was that? Can you please stay on topic...

Chick 2: Sorry dude…that was like total randomitis!

by lady lynxx April 1, 2009
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Fake 'sick days' that people take off work that are actually called 'hate days'
i.e. employees that hate their job/company so much that they fake sick days
Example of a post hate day convo in the morning...

Employee 1: yo dude, you've been off for ages...where you been?

Employee 2: well you know, i had a few HATE days comin....i got most of the rage out of me now i think...

Employee 1: yeah i think i've got a few comin my way too....i'm overdue a coupla HATE days...

Manager : Hey! employees 1 & 2, i've clocked you coming in exactly 2.3 seconds late through the door - how are you going to make up that time?

Employee 2: Damn i feel another few HATE days comin on.....i might have to take a half a HATE day today yo...

Employee 1: i'm with you on that one....
by lady lynxx March 25, 2009
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