47 definitions by ke6isf

The lead-in to many a tired old joke on Slashdot, where the punchline is a reverse of what is normal. Sometimes produces screamingly funny results, often produces a yawn.

Derived from old Yakov Smirnoff jokes, where Mr. Smirnoff (a Soviet expatriate) used to do the same thing when talking about the former Soviet Union during his routines.
by ke6isf November 7, 2003
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A money lender who loans money to desperate borrowers at ridiculous terms, and uses criminal means to intimidate the money back from the borrower if they can't get the interest back.
The loan shark broke Peter's knees when he couldn't cough up $100.
by ke6isf July 19, 2004
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The weird dialect of English that is spoken on the Citizens' Band radio service, 10-4.
I just asked him directions and he started yammering at me in channel jive. I couldn't make heads or tails of it.
by ke6isf November 15, 2003
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The act of touching one's nose to another's, as to show affection. Frequently observed in house cats (they may do so to their humans), occasionally found in furries similarly.
The first thing Joan's cat does when she wakes up is gives her a nosebump.
by ke6isf September 30, 2004
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Precursor to something that might be construed as dangerous or requiring arcane knowledge.

Comes from television commercials featuring people doing insane stunts.
"And now, Doctor Science is going to drink the liquid nitrogen! Don't try this at home, kids, remember, he knows more than you do!"
by ke6isf August 9, 2004
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A sort of weird cross between dynamic IP and static IP, a sticky IP is one that is assigned dynamically (through DHCP, but it has a habit of hanging onto your broadband modem as long as you don't have to reset it. Mostly found amongst cable modem internet providers such as Roadrunner.
You can't get a proper domain on a sticky IP.
by ke6isf November 30, 2003
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Figurative: "If you want to discuss this topic with me, you will need to wait your turn, as there are any number of others who wish to do so who got here before you did."

Comes from a line control mechanism that is found today with decreasing frequency, where one is requested to take a numbered ticket from a strategically placed dispenser and accordingly wait for that number to be called.
Your computer just blew up? Take a number, I've been getting calls on that all day.
by ke6isf October 15, 2004
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