34 definitions by katherine

One who is sweet as honey and as pretty as a princess.
The pretty princess loved everyone.
by katherine July 14, 2004
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Crazy antics; usually involving several of your insane friends.
We went out clubbing last night and ended up picking up some boys as well as some other shnactics.
by katherine January 13, 2005
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it can mean cool, or drunk, or uncool, or shitty, or hot, or whatever, based on the connotation.
eg. (drunk) "man, i was so fuckin sliced last night!"
(attractive) "damn that dude is slicin'!"
(disgust/embarassment) "yo girl, that's sliced."
by katherine February 7, 2005
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The word Bushmurry or BSHMRY for short originated from the word bush maori which was then elaberated into bushmurry. If you are a bushmurry that means your are a great eeler and camper and you this also means that you dispise the NATIVES (lower class campers they live in trees unlike BSHMRY's who live in cool huts)
Katherine, Kelsi and Courtney are all Bushmurrys!!! They have anual camping/eeling camps which includes drag racing and sack draging behind ford lasers.
by katherine May 18, 2004
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someone who loves you for who you are: someone who's really hard to find. soul mates are the people you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Kristina and Aaron are soul mates. They were made for each other.
by katherine November 25, 2004
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v. to take part in a scandalous plan that makes somebody's life a little harder.
'I schlemieled Travis into eating an entire bag of apricots.'
by katherine September 19, 2003
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A person who is a dork, yet cool. They are weird and sometimes embarassing to be around, yet calling someone it is not necassarily a bad thing.
You are the biggest rimp I've ever met, you dork!
by katherine December 6, 2003
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