27 definitions by kane

The name u searched DEFINES music (or defined it a few years back ).. ever heard his songs? if no then do try :D

.. hey wait..a lot of people hate him.. srry a lot of jealous ones do..wanna know why? he remained on top during the 80s-90s.. jealousy is inevitable.. but bro/sis reading this def.. simply listen to his songs u'll like them (if u r a music fan not a simple follower of an anti phil Collin person) ..

i wud say that youth of 1980s-90s enjoyed life more than me ..the only reason is that they watched phil collins live :D.. in early 2000s even some tv episodes made fun of him.. who wont..yea.. success is poison only if its not yours// dnt give a damn to what others think...
OMG! its at ur own risk if u become addicted to his most of his songs..like me :P..n remmeber to listen to..
4.ONE MORE NIGHT... phew..rest will be ur task to find out..which u wont avoid once u've heard a few like above ;)
Phil Collins
by kane March 31, 2013
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A classical animated British comedy. Rex the Runt - "The Wobbly Bobbly, Wibbly Squibbly Dog" by Richard Golezsowski
by kane April 7, 2005
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any obvious lying fucking primate bi-pedal asshole espousing falsehoods out of it's rectum-like mouth orifice. i.e.-a liar.Everything that falls out of these creatures is pure shit,hence-"shit monkey"
George W. Bush is actually websters picture example if you look closely to the right of the definition. Right next to the phrase-"blatant shitmonkeyness". There are countless numbers of these creatures among us unfortunately. They can be readily identified, and one can tell when they are lying as you will notice the mouth orifice is open.
by kane August 3, 2004
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Short term for intelligence.

Used in MMORPGS and RPGS in releation to stats
Woo i have an int of 60!

A) OMFG this uber leet robe gives me +31 Int and a +9 against Ogers!
B) niiccee!
by kane February 15, 2005
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