27 definitions by kane

Having strong, forcefull sex with a member of the opposite sex whom you absolute despise.
Man she's so hot but she is such a bitch, I'd want to have hate-sex with her.
by kane October 7, 2004
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Gator Advertising corperation is a bunch of fucked up motherfuckers who think it is a viable business venture to download programs to your comp without you knowing about it, then use them to download MORE programs and spy on you, and THEN sell that info to ad- companies that will send u popups and ads and even steal ur passwords and shit. FUCK GATOR. damn spyware pussies. Any good l33ts out there still, better than me, FUCK THEIR SERVERS OVER just for kicks.
I got that FUCKING precisiontime spyware shit from GATOR on my comp again, it fucked up my registry, I am SOO gonna take an acetelyne torch to their fucking server, since I cant seem to kill it any other way.
by kane May 29, 2004
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Expletive usually reserved for children attempting to avoid a stinging insect.
What...? Is that a...? Oobi! Aaaaaugggh!
by kane December 14, 2003
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Dont be a klawchi
by kane September 1, 2003
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rolling on my penis laughing.
originated at toon love.
guy 1: *tells a joke*
everyone: stfu. lmfao is for losers.
guy 3: rompl.
tawnee: hey, that guy's kewl! lets make out!
everyone: that crazy guy 3. *rollseyes*
by kane November 30, 2004
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While a man is having sex with a woman, she farts causing his testicles to swing back and forth; similar to a dog door.
Dude, she gave Tom a doggie door last night.
by kane October 7, 2004
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