8 definitions by joshxx

hacker, computer hacker...:) l337 b10t|-|!!
|-|3 |)1d/\/t di??! |-|@x0rz@!!!
by joshxx March 25, 2007
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in final fantasy 7 a one professor Hojo theorised that
the cells of JENOVA if ever detached from the main body
would seek to re-assemble" and anyone who was implanted with JENOVA cells after sephiroths "death" (being controled by the JENOVA cells) would travel to the
northern cave were JENOVA once was to reunite the lost parts. The sephiroth clones who had the cells form Hojo's expiraments traveld to the northern crater and were killed my the manifestation of sephiroth and dumped into the life stream so basicly the reunion theroy is: once any cells of JENOVA are removed, they would seek to re-attach, thus causing the "reunion"
"reunion... sephiroth..."
p.s. the "sephiroth clones" are the guys in the black robes.

reunion theory
by joshxx April 3, 2007
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one of my fave ps2 games. it stars a character named
jenifer. thats all i got, i only got passed the air ship.
It's a horror survival game, not as good as resident evil but it can still hold its own.(hoping for a squel.)
guy: rule of rose is for faggs.

me: stfu, rose is an awesome game!

guy: ur in denile...

me: fuck you.

by joshxx March 28, 2007
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a pheonix down is what you use in most final fantasy games
to revive a "knocked out" allie. Most ppl have got KO'ed
in ff as being "killed off" it just meens knocked out!
thats why they couldnt revive aerith! she was "killed off"
not "knocked out"
"oh, crap! my whole party is dead and i only have 12 hp!
time for a phenoix down! *short pause(using pheonix down)
... DAMNIT!! i used it on myself!! NOOOOO!!!! *dead*
by joshxx March 22, 2007
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A term used when ppl think of thing in ther mind.
Called "the minds eye" because i guess youre SEEING things
in your mind.
I'm undressing you in my head, that's my minds eye!
by joshxx March 25, 2007
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A japanese pc game... thats all im gonna say. -_-
guy1: rapelay is soo hot!

guy2: ur sick!
by joshxx March 25, 2007
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a gaming console that should never have been invented!
have u seen legend of zelda for the cd-i???? its horrable!
the kids next door crying and bats are flying out of hell...
whos playing cd-i?
by joshxx March 25, 2007
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