11 definitions by joshmiller
The English dub name for Insector Haga. He is the regional champion and uses insect cards. He will do anything to win a duel such as throwing Yugi's Exodia cards into the ocean, putting the Parasite in Joey's (Jounouchi) deck, and not giving that kid a rare card for putting the Parasite in Joey's deck. He has a vexing laugh (both in the English and Japanese)
by joshmiller April 17, 2004
Banter between the taliban
by joshmiller November 22, 2013
A term used by dubbers of Yu-Gi-Oh! to substitute something violent that will happen to a duelist if they lose a duel like getting their feet chopped off.
by joshmiller April 18, 2004
The process in which 2 pyruvic acid molecules from glycolosis is converted into 8 NADH, 2 ATP, and 2 FADH2. Each yields NADH yields three ATP through the electron transport chain and each FADH2 yields 2 ATP. Oxygen is required to create a proton gradient so NADH and FADH2 so it could be converted into ATP by ATP Synthase, an enzyme. Since this requires Oxygen, this is a form of aerobic respiration. ATP synthase is located on the mitochondria membrane of eukaryotes and on the plasma membrane of prokaryotes.
by joshmiller March 21, 2004
by joshmiller March 11, 2024
A red blood cell which is made up of four polypeptide subunits and could carry four oxygen molecules.
by joshmiller April 18, 2004
When a rastafarian masturbates
by joshmiller November 22, 2013