10 definitions by joesk84ever

Yin-Yang Game

Noun: the people spotting game where you try to find two people somehow connected but are opposite in as many ways as possible.

Point system is determined by how many opposites are present.

If an actual oriental is involved an extra point is awarded.
Dude: Look "Yin-Yang!!"
Man: Where?
Dude: Right there- Tall Hasidic, Jewish, Guy holding hands with the Short, Black Girl- 3 points to me!!
Man: Allright I'll give you three. Now I'll show you how the "Yin-Yang Game" is played! Where's my orientals at?
by joesk84ever September 14, 2009
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Short for sassy hispanic. A loud trash-talking Hispanic man or women.
Pedro: Did you hear Yolanda cussin out your boy the other day?!

Carlos: Holmes that was just her Saspanic commin out!
by joesk84ever May 3, 2011
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digger kid

Noun- A name for an elementary school kid that spends his recess time digging in the dirt. By middle school "diggers" either reform or become oddball social outcasts.
Mom: "Hey weren't you friends with him back in grade school?"
Kid: "Nah, He was one of those weird "digger kids."
by joesk84ever June 26, 2009
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Able to understand, and to do what your told.
First seen on reality cop show.
Cop,"Are you gonna give us trouble?"
Drunk "gangsta", "I'm legit son, and compremendable"
by joesk84ever June 24, 2009
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Adjective applied to a student who tries to get out of a summer homework assignment by "thinking" it was optional.
It rarely works but might get you permission to hand the assignment in late.
Teacher, "Where is your summer book report?"
Student, "Uhh... I thought that was optional."
Teacher, "How optionalistic of you."
by joesk84ever June 26, 2009
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That surprises me.

A phrase taken from "Dinner for Smucks". It should be spoken somewhat sarcasticly after an odd, absurd question has been asked of someone you don't know well.
Hipster: Have you lived among Alaskans as one of them and dined upon bear meat?

Hippet: No!

Hipster: That surprises me...
by joesk84ever December 21, 2011
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That surprises me

A phrase borrowed from the movie "Dinner for Schmucks". It is used in a sarcastic, mocking manner after asking someone a ridiculous question.
Dude: Have you ever lived among Alaskans and ate bear meat in their traditional manner?

Dudette: No!

Dude: That surprises me...
by joesk84ever December 23, 2011
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