170 definitions by jen

To affect with great wonder; astonish. To bewilder, perplex.
To surprise greatly. Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder.

Derived from the M&M's Mmazing commericals.
She does an omazing amount of work.
New York is an omazing city.

by jen January 4, 2006
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The search engine of choice for residents of Mudge C1 at Carnegie Mellon University. Initially a term used to describe the amazing informational search capabilities of Brent, a freshman residing on the floor. Any question that arose in conversation was answered in a flash. Residents soon began to bring their more serious informational dilemmas to Brent. If the answer was out there, Brent could find it. Amazed by his mad skillz, fellow residents Jen and Liz coined the term and encouraged Brent to develop the idea. Slogans arose and word of Brentsearch spread. Initially all queries had to be taken to Brent in person. Then one fateful night in December 2004, over winter break, Brentsearch was born! In its infant stages it featured searches for Google, Interned Movie Database, and Wikipedia. Mirriam Webster OnLine and a link to get Mozilla Firefox (Brent's web browser of choice) were soon added. Future features may include a way to send questions directly to Brent for his personal care. When asked to describe his creation Brent responded, "it's the greatest invention in the history of hypertext." So join the revolution and get Brentsearhing.
Search it the right way. BrentSearch it.
by jen December 30, 2005
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n. a Mount Hopian, a person who lives in the area, and participates in a hickish lifestyle

n. a person who lives in MOUNT HOPE

adj. dirty, smelly, hickish
by jen December 2, 2003
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N. An affection term, normally said by the guy to the girl.

Origin: Joe
Joe: Bye fuck muffin, love u lots!
Jen: Bye cup cake, see u later on tonight! ;-)
by jen July 30, 2004
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A speculum is a device that allows one to gently open a body cavity (ie. the vagina or anus). It generally consists of two smooth spatulas which move apart when the handle is squeezed.
Billy used the 'speculum' to open Gary's anus.
by jen November 14, 2003
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Hey look at that little guy over there looking annoyed, he is such a Nebbia!
by jen February 8, 2005
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