112 definitions by jaffaw

Wanker of the week is the guy who is most annoying, irritating of the week
That guy is such a Wanker, in fact he's the wanker of the week
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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what cums out when you have sex, can somethings refer to a business like sex transaction.
I met this girl and things were so boring having sex with her was like a meeting with an outcum at the end
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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describes how much hash is in the hash bank.
How's the hash-flow man, are we high?
by jaffaw July 12, 2009
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when you empty your balls so much you can't have sex again
I emptied myself, I was put into early decumission
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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when you fall over in dramatic fashion
i fell arse over elbows, did you see it happen,
by jaffaw July 19, 2009
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each orifice has a taste,
I was down licking and this sexual flavour was devine, like heavenly, never tasted anything so sweet
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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when you say thanks for what gals have, perhaps one special gal in particular
thanks for the mammaries, i couldn't have done it without them
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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