112 definitions by jaffaw

Leg Limo

the cheapest easy way to travel in style,
Eco aware celebrities don't travel by any else than Leg Limo these days
by jaffaw January 10, 2010
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flying the Homo flag

he is so proud to be gay,
He's Mr Gay UK, we're so proud he's flying the homo flag
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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shitting down

the act of sitting down to take a jobby
i'm shitting down, i'll be out in a minute
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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an exotic gay experience or boyfriend/girlfriend

a foreign gay film
that foreign film was so homoexotic

my boyfriend is from Peru,

oh so homoexotic,

I know
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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Shell cocked

When you are surprised by the size; small or large of someone's penis
He got his cock out, it was huge, I was completely shell cocked
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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Hot strumpet

like a crumpet but hotter and more slutty
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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lube it or lose it

refers to going up the back alley and how prone to accidents that can sometimes be
are you going up the backway, you need to get some lube, why?
lube it or lose it
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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