13 definitions by jack townshend


The act of sneaking an illegal bottle of viagra in your shaving kit.
Me: I got busted at the airport last night.
Billy: Why?
Me: I Rush Limbaughed. :/
Billy: Idiot.
by jack townshend June 29, 2006
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When you have an obsessive hate for a(n) act, person, thing, place, etc.
Tiffany has an obsessive hate for dogs. She has a dog anti-fetish.

Rick has an obsessive hate for getting his girlfriend in the ass. He has an anal sex anti-fetish.
by jack townshend December 23, 2006
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I style of humour, also known as dry humour.

It involves saying something funny, but not changing ones facial expressions or emotions.

Stephen Colbert often uses deadpan.
Stephen Colbert (in ultra-serious, blank face): "I cannot see through all of this liberty."
*audience laughs*
Stephen Colbert (in ultra-serious, blank face): "Yes, I excell at deadpan humour."
by jack townshend January 10, 2007
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Scottish comedian, host of The Late Late Show on CBS.

He replaced Craig Kilbourne on January 3, 2005. He was one of four finalists running for the job as host.

He is a rather funny man. Unfortunately he shares the time slot with Conan O'Brien so it's difficult for me to watch Ferguson, but from what I've seen he is a very laid back scottish man, and it's a nice change from the typical comedian.

His show aires at 12:35 EST on CBS right after Letterman.
Billy: Is Craig Ferguson as funny as Conan O'Brien?
Me: No, but he's definately better than those tools Letterman and Leno.
by jack townshend June 30, 2006
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Like Bush.

There is however a difference.

Although it may not be very noticable, Reagan had a soul, as opposed to Bush.

His presidency was a joke though.
Billy: "Is Bush or Ronald Reagan a better president"
Me: Ronny
by jack townshend June 28, 2006
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A conservative talkshow host that has show on the radio, where he discusses politics and current events.

My Opinion:

He is a racist tool, a drug addict, and a disgrace to society.
by jack townshend June 20, 2006
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"I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure - that is all that agnosticism means."

- Clarence Darrow

A: Are you agnostic?
B: Yeah.
A: Any good quotes about it?
B: Yeah, Clarence Darrow made a very intelligent statement regarding agnosticsm.
by jack townshend October 29, 2006
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