Ronald or Ronny is an amazing person. He will always be there for you. Once you meet one you will want to sped your life with them. They are super understanding and are good to talk to if you have depression or anxiety. They usually like to hug or kiss you if they know you feel down. They are the perfect match if you need a BF that will totally respect your space and wants and needs. Most Ronalds will try their hardest to please you. They usually come with black thick curly hair and tan skin.
by The Raven- Poe June 27, 2020
Ronny is the absolute pussy destroyer, he seeks for all the pussies that need to be destroyed, he also is immune to drugs, due to his constant abuse of them.
by RonnyPollyOlly May 1, 2019
Bro Ronny is a good guy
by Kdmsndnsndnd December 13, 2018
a ronny is a fkg hottie with a body. a bodacious manly man who is amazing in bed. usually compatiable most with chicas who can suck some dick. and with people with the name melissa, or mel :)
by mel23 January 10, 2010
by GoldNibba27 March 28, 2020
Ronny is Short for the name Ronald a name givin from the scandinavian Settlers, Ronny is usualy a Scottish, or either English name.
by Zombro-scotland July 11, 2008
Ronny is a sentimental Moron that is pale white and kisses rocks he also sucks snails because he is France poopy butt face nerd and Gabriel is so much cooler than him in every way
by Jack star blast July 11, 2019