8 definitions by jack johnjackson

1)an erection, a shortened version.
2)and/or a recreational erection, which will no doubt lead to wank
ere i got a right erecky in class, that teacher were well fit
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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im not sure if thats how its spelt... but paggerd is an adjective describing a woman who has aged past attractiveness. the term is used by blokes who judge every woman on whether or not they'd ''leave it to rot inside her''
''she was a proper paggerd old bird''
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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the british police. who wear bright yellow jackets, also builders, and lollypop ladies
fucking pig, flourescent bastard
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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when you star braying player 2 in co op levels because its more fun to kill each other than it is to play the game properly
stop it, youve got streets of rage syndrome you have
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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to give someone drugs now, knowing that payment will happen some time in the near future
'' could you tick us an eighth till i get paid''
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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the changing angle at which your penis sticks out from your body
ive got a stiffy at a penangle of 45 degrees
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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cunnery describes that quality possessed by so many teenagers that makes them naturally alienated. if someone is a cunnery person they have a natural ora of wierdness, the smell of lemon curd sandwhiches, skin problems, and too much time to spend with childrens modeling kits like k'nex etc.
''nah, i wouldnt mate shes really cunnery''
by jack johnjackson August 31, 2006
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