7 definitions by impreza

i love kaity b/c she is too smart for her own good
by impreza December 15, 2003
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see electroclash ladytron
by impreza December 15, 2003
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an ok online comic, I would give my fullhearted support if the shadow feared me and drew my likeness.

by impreza December 15, 2003
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life, both in the sense of the movie and in the literal meaning. i love margaret yang / sara tanaka.
life 4 me is rushmore. always rewinding and fastforwarding and never reaching the end. ahh how mature and philosophic. thank you hoag.
by impreza December 20, 2003
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where kids at Delbarton supposedly smoke pot, in Lewis Morris Park next to the cross country course.
they held a lunch outing at the gazebo.
by impreza December 15, 2003
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short for code infraction, used at Delbarton, get three and you're strongly encouraged to leave the school.
by impreza December 15, 2003
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simply the best car for the money in the american market today. comes in AWD 4-door sedan and 5-door wagon models with varying levels of hp.

also my name.

see subaru WRX STi
the impreza is the best car for the money in the american market today.
by impreza December 15, 2003
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