21 definitions by horror_blood

Assholes who cut up hard worked on movies to make them soft for the American Public they don't even know, considering I was able to handle the Scorpion King just fine when I was twelve. That movie was PG-13!
MPAA: You can't release your movie yet unless we, the MPAA, chop it up and make it less entertaining. Which includes taking out every form of character development. We were offended greatly by it.
ME: Of course, the film was about overcoming racism.
by horror_blood March 4, 2004
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A fighting game in which you use turn taking strategies rather than moving around freely. Obviously based off of an anime.
Since it was in Japanese, I had no idea what I was doing until I hit the ground.
by horror_blood June 30, 2004
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Quite possibly the best site in the world. Tons on flash, games. Porn, for all of you losers out there looking for stick-figure hentai e-zine or whatever the fuck you nerds like. Newgrounds kicks ass!
Usually people check out sections of Newgrounds for stuff, but forget that there is a search engine...
by horror_blood October 22, 2003
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Better than Pokemon, but is that saying much?
How much do you want to bet Digimon was cool but ruined by the US dubbing.
by horror_blood November 11, 2003
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A hero who looks like a piece of bread with red square eyes and a curved line for a mouth. Has a green shirt with a purple collar, blue pants and yellow square fists. Speaks horrible english and is the main character in Arfenhouse.
"Housemaster, I--" *CRASH* - Joseph, Arfenhouse the Movie.
by horror_blood October 26, 2003
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1) The first in the Wolfenstein games. Used 2D overhead view and was released for the Apple 2 computer and the Commodore 64. It also used voice samples. It was about a US soldier who has to escape from Castle Wolfenstein and avoid Nazi's.
2) The Castle in the Wolfenstein game series.
3) Also reffered to as Wolfenstein 2D, has a sequal and a FPS created by ID software.
Castle Wolfenstein, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
by horror_blood July 8, 2004
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1) The sequal to Wolfenstein 3D. It's Wolfenstein 3D with a new plot, different levels, some other stuff and not much else.
2) BJ is trying to keep the Nazi's from getting the Spear of Destiny or something.
Spear of Destiny was kind of dissapointing to most fans.
by horror_blood July 8, 2004
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