19 definitions by himura

The "language" that otakus use. Otakus who use it usually know very little or no Japanese at all.
"John is so KAWAII!"
"Those guys are really baka ne?"
"hes such a bish!"
by himura April 14, 2004
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one of the best damn Japanese rock bands around
Siam Shade even powns glay
by himura May 30, 2003
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The sound that Ninja's make before cutting off somebody's head
If a bunch of Ninjas totally flip out and start yelling "TOONGA!" get the hell out!
by himura May 28, 2003
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Reversed blade sword
Himura Kenshin uses a sakabatou
by himura May 29, 2003
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"Fresh off plane" people come on planes now.
1.Man you are a FOB
2.No yu ah long aye ahm FOP. I kaim hia on plaine.
by himura May 28, 2003
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