5 definitions by health&wellness54
Abbreviated No Nut November, an internet challenge where males attempt to go the entire month of November without ejaculating. Often causes more trouble than its worth, as males become increasingly distracted by their rising libido, and often unintentionally end up impregnating their significant others due to much higher seminal volume when they finally give in.
Marcus had been on NNN for about 10 days, and already it was starting to get to him. He felt sooo backed up downstairs, and even the not so hot chicks had turned into models. So It didn’t help when his girlfriend Chelsey decided to surprise him after an evening together. He couldn’t Resist, So he pulled out a condom and went to town. Even with the condom on, the sensations of her tightly gripping his manhood were intensified and mind numbing. It would only be a few minutes before he felt his groin rumble and begin to erupt. However, in his haste, he had forgotten to leave room in the end of the condom for a reservoir, and so when he pulled himself in tight and grunted loudly, his much larger load tore straight through the condom wall, his seed getting blasted directly into her womb. As he finished and held himself inside for a moment to bask at the wonderful sensation, he realized it felt TOO good. And to his horror, he realized the condom had burst and she was very likely going to be pregnant.
by health&wellness54 November 7, 2020
When one starts their bulking cycle, typically the higher caloric intake (and often, a high fiber intake) leads to greatly increased release of gas, often with potent fragrance.
Rob decided to get back on his bulk around the winter time. As he wolfed down another cup of oats, he felt his belly rumble and churn loudly and strongly. It wouldn’t be long until the Bulking Gas set in he thought grimly.
by health&wellness54 September 25, 2020
Where a male blows a considerably large load onto a female’s body, often either the face or the breasts, and completely covers them in cum. Can be achieved either through a period of abstinence, or with supplements that increases ejaculatory volume, such as Maca Powder or Tribulus, or even Celery.
Colin and LeeAnn had been getting closer and closer as the months passed by. Eventually, Colin revealed his fantasy about frosting to her, and she decided to let him try out his little experiment. After loading up on celery and Maca Powder for 3 weeks, and not beating off, he felt full to bursting, and that evening they decided to give it a try. And she sucked him off, working her magic on his dick, he soon felt the pressure building deep in his groin. The closer he got, the fuller he felt. As soon as he broke the threshold of pleasure, he moaned loudly, and LeeAnn let him pop out of her mouth. He aimed right for her tits, and then he started to pour. He didn’t feel the familiar sensation of rapid jets blasting out his tip: this felt more like pouring cement. Thick, powerful spurts coated her dark breasts until there was very little skin showing. He simply grunted as his kegal muscles worked hard to blow out the massive load. Eventually, his jism slowed to a halt, and he was left with one very impressed girl in front of him. As he started to soften, LeeAnn quickly latched onto his dick and started to succ off the remaining seed. This breathed a second life into his manhood, and seeing she was very eager to keep going, Colin knew he was in for a fun night.
by health&wellness54 October 27, 2020
When a female bodybuilder who is taking a testosterone based Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) begins to develop masculine traits as a result of hormone imbalance. Typically consists of one or several of the following:
Deepening voice
Increased Body Hair Growth
Enlargement of the Clit
Heightened Libido
Mood shifts/Personality Changes
These effects may fade upon coming off cycle, or they may linger for some time. In some sever cases, it can lead to infertility.
Deepening voice
Increased Body Hair Growth
Enlargement of the Clit
Heightened Libido
Mood shifts/Personality Changes
These effects may fade upon coming off cycle, or they may linger for some time. In some sever cases, it can lead to infertility.
Josh had talked his girlfriend Anna into taking tren after she continued to be disappointed in her slow progress. But now he was really wishing He hadn’t. She was doing awesome in the gym, but she was slowly transforming into a different woman. She’d needed to shave about once every couple of weeks or so, now she couldn’t go more than 3 days without becoming overgrown. What’s more, her clit had grown from a little nub to almost 2 1/4 inches long over the course of 3 months. Her voice had gotten much deeper, and her feminine side hade faded in favor of a grunting, intense workout junkie. Virilization, he’d heard it get called. .
Anna, however, was loving all the changes her body was going through. She was rapidly catching up on Josh, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until she over took him. Still, she smiled watching her man unrack and bench 315 for 3 reps. Her libido had gone through the roof and so many times she caught herself just ogling him as he worked in his sets. As he reracked the bar and went to stand up, she slapped him on the back playfully. “Nice work on that set, bro.” She said as she felt her clit swell bigger. She felt so much better, her lifts being up there with the bois instead of pathetically far behind.
Anna, however, was loving all the changes her body was going through. She was rapidly catching up on Josh, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until she over took him. Still, she smiled watching her man unrack and bench 315 for 3 reps. Her libido had gone through the roof and so many times she caught herself just ogling him as he worked in his sets. As he reracked the bar and went to stand up, she slapped him on the back playfully. “Nice work on that set, bro.” She said as she felt her clit swell bigger. She felt so much better, her lifts being up there with the bois instead of pathetically far behind.
by health&wellness54 December 22, 2020
Subgroup of thigh guys, these men like there women with thick, strong, well built quads (Women like Vivi Winkler or Carrie June). Often lifters themselves, though not always, these men find themselves attracted to the strength and curved that these ladies posses, as women with well built quads and hams also tend to have firm, bubble shaped booties. Women who can crush watermelons and pumpkins in between their legs tend to demand a special respect, and attraction, from men.
There’s just something that hits different when she wraps her legs around you and you feel your lower back pop. Makes a man just dump his whole load right then and there, and pray and hope he can make some D1 babies with this absolute unit of a woman. At least, that’s one of the reasons I became one of the Quad Guys
by health&wellness54 November 27, 2020