3 definitions by hash poop

1. (n) - a state of being in which one obtains neither education nor employment, opting rather to watch "7th Heaven"
2. (v) the unauthorized pilfering of goods, typically foodstuffs, beer, or cigarettes
1. He's living la vida crapdogg.
2. Hey! You crapdogged my last beer!
by hash poop May 17, 2003
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One who masturbates anonymously upon a friend's pillow
Damn, I can't believe you did that Andy Meyer, you phantom masturbator you!
by hash poop July 16, 2003
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Long word used by douchebags in a futile attempt to impress people. I know because I've tried.
Baby, I'd slip you the salami but I don't want to smudge the new tattoo I got on my schlong that says "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoniosis."
by hash poop January 22, 2005
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