10 definitions by guns don't kill people

A word often used by secret midgets, reffering to their homosexual partner. Comes with a handmovement of the wrist.
Secret midgets say 'pleh'.
"I was with my pleh, she is so phitt' - said Secret Midget Lauren
"My girl pleh is beautiful and sexy" - said Secret Midget Kate
by guns don't kill people October 25, 2010
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traf - a backwards fart.
aka: pre-queef

the air is sucked in before let out as a fart.
a traf happens before a fart.
by guns don't kill people May 29, 2011
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'Fish-Hat' in a french accent, simply meaning a fisherman's hat, a hat with a fish on it, a hat made of fish, or a hat made for fish..these tend to be quite small.
I am a fisherman and this is my fish-hat that I wear when I go fishing

if this was a french fisherman, they would not say 'fish-hat' instead they would say 'fishat'
by guns don't kill people July 27, 2010
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A beautiful brunette Marilyn Monroe with lovely hair and the voice of an angel. She has scarred toes and blue eyes, given to her by the great Buttyninja goddess as a sign of affection.
Person A - 'Oh wow, Mrilyn Monroe is still alive!'
Person B - 'No, check out her toes.. She's a JoDAY'
by guns don't kill people October 25, 2010
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A term used for someone who smiles frequently
A nickname for Tyler, as Tylers tend to smile a lot and it happens to rhyme. Tylers (female) are also very beautiful and clever and are also smiling,even when they are annoyed with Jodie's.
by guns don't kill people October 25, 2010
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1. Sandwich flavoured ninja.

2. A person who works in a fast food restaraunt, specialising in sandwiches.

3.A fat martial artist, so fat that they cannot move.
1. "This ninja sure tastes sandwichey"

2. " he was so fast, he was a buttyninja...the king of butties"

3. "yo brah, you so fat you a buttyninja, want another cream cake?"
by guns don't kill people July 23, 2010
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