267 definitions by greg

1. Gay homo who spams Forums
2. Gay homo Who spams, becomes a mod, then bans people when the catch him spamming
3. Goat lover
Slayr: Hi guys!
Slayr: How's it hangin'?
N00b: You just double posted.
Slayr: Banned.
by greg October 24, 2004
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1. Another word for Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey.
2. A place where herbs gather.
3. Poorest excuse for a college, or institute.

Originated: William Stahlin's Accounting class. The desk had a 'stevens' logo that was missing the 'v', thus giving birth to the term, 'Steeeens"
Can I actually get a job if I graduate from Steens???
by greg October 4, 2004
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when toilet paper has not completely removed the crap from your ass. The resulting crap ass condition will leave you with an irritated bung, causing you to walk funny.
While john was hiking in the mountains, he came down with a bad case of crap ass, and had to resort to using a leaf.
by greg October 1, 2003
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Helmut! Vere ist the Shylock's vith das tattoes? I vill make Lampshade's out of them!
by greg February 5, 2004
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One which sucks at basketball, which he proves by shooting under 53% free throws. However he has mastered the art of getting the calls from every referee in the leauge which is the only reason he has sucsess. See lard ass Its like being really huge but not having any knowlege or skill
Shaq sucks at basketball but he is a tank so he murders people in the paint with no fouls called on him. good job shaq you fat ass
by greg May 8, 2005
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Flower person if a man is gay
That lady is so hot I love florist.........DUDE THATS A GUY ahahh notice the Adam's Apple
by greg August 22, 2003
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The excessive drinking of liquids, as a result of the unending thirst for said liquids.
I've drank a lot a water today, what alindsay.
by greg October 9, 2003
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