100 definitions by gnostic 1

v. Clearing snow off the skatepark or, by extension, other surfaces such as sidewalks and stairways.

Dude! It's blizzardy! Looks like we'll be shoveling white tomorrow.

"Blizzardy"? Do you ever speak proper English?
by gnostic 1 February 1, 2013
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n. An alternative item or course of action, often used in a derogatory or quizzical sense.

We could build a bridge across the bay, or, and here I'm just free styling, we could dig a tunnel.

Well, that is a whole different box of balloons
by gnostic 1 April 30, 2013
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n. Hockey term. A scoring move in which the stick and puck go around the goalie one way while the shooter goes the other. Requires long arms and extreme panache.

Did you see the Czechs beat Canada in a shoot-out? What a dangler for the win!
by gnostic 1 December 29, 2014
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n. Any large glitch, impediment or disaster that sinks a movie project, or, by extension, any other project.

How's the search for a new house coming?

Not so good. We hit a speilburg. The bank wanted one of us to have a job. I was starting to argue about it when the burglar alarms went off and they threw us out.

A second speilburg? Wow!

Yeah. I haven't seen my wife since. I think ... I think I may have lost her.
by gnostic 1 December 31, 2013
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n. Brilliant collection of strange new ducks and old ducks with new, usually pornographic, uses.

Dude! What is that odd creature waddling behind you?

Oh, just something I found at Urban Ducktionary. We kind of bonded.

You gonna fatten her up and eat her?

Something like that.
by gnostic 1 December 23, 2012
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n. phrase - Expression used when denegrating any mundane sexual experience
or second-rate event.

Did you see my son's basketball game? What did you think?

Well, it's not the masters.
by gnostic 1 April 13, 2013
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n. Tricks that look like they are hard and interesting but aren't. Term used by surfers, boarders and hookers.

Did you see that! I did a leapstand and a board hoard! Fakey!

You did some yorkers. Grow up.

That was yesterday. Today I did skater stuff.
by gnostic 1 March 11, 2013
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