100 definitions by gnostic 1

exclamation. Snow boarder equivalent to "surf's up!" Usually shouted by overly-enthusiastic newbies at the first sign of flakes.

Snow's up!

What are you talking about? It's August.

No. There! See!

I think that's dandruff falling off your head.
by gnostic 1 December 19, 2012
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place. Canadian town with wide-open friendly multi-racial populace and economy largely based on peat-moss excavation. Historically the scene of some minor dust-ups in the settlement of the west by non-paleoanimists, Frog Lake has grown over the years from a watering place for wandering herds of bison entrancers to a source of inspiration to both Canadian constitutional experts and quilt makers.

Home to both the third-best hockey team in north-western Saskatchewan and the largest interpretive centre between Frank and Esterhazy.

I hear the crime rate in Frog Lake is pretty low . Kudos to the populace.

Really? Where'd you hear that?
by gnostic 1 June 8, 2013
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n. Feet that are just too big, flat or awkward for regular walking. Shoes don't fit properly and dancing is impossible.

Why don't you buy a skateboard dude? You are missing out on life and the babes think you're lame.

I got the duck feet.

Bummer. Wanna do some crack?
by gnostic 1 May 6, 2013
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v. Acting like an entitled low-life while high on drugs.

You got to stop biebering every weekend. You'll end up in the slammer.

Let me be free! You don't know the pain I've suffered! I grew up in Canada for God's sake!
by gnostic 1 February 1, 2014
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n. Short, snappy, hip form of the noun skater.

I am the skate from Hell. I rule the ramps.

Right. Whatever dude.
by gnostic 1 January 20, 2013
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n. From ice hockey. An incongruous event that really should not be happening, shows utter incoordination, poor planning, and a lack of proper attire, and yet is hypnotically entertaining.

So I hear the mayor of Chicago went up against the gun-control folks. How did that go?

Total goalie fight.
by gnostic 1 September 23, 2013
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v. Fail, do poorly at a task, put in minimal effort. Used by Canadian skaters and curling enthusiasts. Also a sexual euphemism.

Nice stone fling Natalie! You totally swept the rings!

Thanks. Usually when I come to the rink I just suck the icicle.

Really? Well perhaps there'll be some down time while they pebble the ends. I'll loosen my parka.
by gnostic 1 February 1, 2013
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