18 definitions by geinman

A slang (and usually derogatory) term for a homosexual. It was used by Stephen King in hi novel "It".
In "IT", a policeman states; "On the subject of bum punchers I'm neutral."
by geinman May 1, 2013
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Damned great actor. Starred in the best of the Hammer movies in the fifties and sixties.
Peter Cushing was a great Baron Frankenstein
by geinman October 25, 2012
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Son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. After the murder of his father, he was ordered by Apollo to avenge his father's death. He did so, killing his mother and her lover, Aegisthus. For this act, he was pursued by the Erinyes, the goddesses of retribution. He wandered many years so tormented, accompanied by his sister Electra and friend Pylades. Finally, at Athens, the gods interceded and held court. Athena defended him and Apollo gave testimony. Orestes was exonerated and the Erinyes stopped pursuing him.
Orestes killed his own mother on the orders of Apollo.
by geinman June 23, 2013
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A Greek maiden whose weaving ability was the marvel of the ancient world. When Athena heard about it she challenged Arachne to a contest. When the girl's tapestry was the equal to the goddess', she became angry and tore Arachne's weaving to shreds. The girl became terrified of what Athena might do and hanged herself. Athena became regretful of her actions and turned Arachne into a spider, so that she might weave all that she wished.
Arachne was a weaving wonder.l
by geinman June 22, 2013
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In eighteenth and nineteenth century England, it was considered a great offense to say "By God". Instead, men would say "BY Jove". Jove is an alternative name for the Roman god Jupiter. By saying "By Jove!", they could be saying "By God!", without committing a social offense.
"By Jove, Tom! William has a magnificent carriage!"
by geinman June 15, 2013
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Boeing six engine jet bomber which entered service in 1951 and lasted until 1966. It was the backbone of SAC's(Strategic Air Command) deterrent force until the early sixties. It is also the direct ancestor of the B-52, KC-135, and the indirect ancestor of every modern jet transport except the Concord. One hell of an airplane. It was called the Stratojet.
The B-47 had only a three man crew.
by geinman July 16, 2013
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An invention, creation, or idea which quickly spins out of control and becomes a disaster.
That new computer program turned into a real Frankenstein.
by geinman June 14, 2013
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