108 definitions by frank klaune

The second smallest category in the scientific measurement of farts. Usually involuntarily released, the lett ranks between the SBD and a squibbler.
"Frank bent over to change the tire and a lett squeaked out."
by frank klaune March 6, 2004
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The protagonist of K.J. Rowling's book. This ignorant teenage zitfaced twit received international acclaim for his masturbatory tendencies.
Man, did you read Rowling's latest Harry Palmer book?
by frank klaune November 13, 2004
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The spash screen placed in the bottom of a urinal to stop spattering pissors from getting ocean spray on their trousers. The Polish fly swatter often is embedded with a urinal cake or scented sustance to enable you to spend many hours of enchanting sniffing in such a delightful environment.
Damn, what the hell? Some sick bastard stuck a Polish fly swatter in my gym bag last night!
by frank klaune February 21, 2005
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Derogatory term used to describe a person of diminished mental capacity- formerly known as "retarded".
Damn, Frank is so impatient. He got mad when his McDonald's order got screwed up and yelled at the scrambled egg who took his order.
by frank klaune March 30, 2005
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1) A male with a circumcised schlong (putz).

2) The actual dong itself with it's "permanent haircut".

3) By extension, the term has also been used to describe entire groups of people who practice circumcision for religious, cultural or other reasons. "Clipped dick" has been noticeably applied as slang for Jewish people.
There goes Frank. He's got a clipped dick.

There goes Frank. He's a clipped dick.
by frank klaune January 2, 2005
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One of many terms indicating a high level of inebriation (drunkenness). The reference is usually done by referring to someone (or yourself) as being "all zipped up."
"Damn, I can't remember what we did last night, 'cuz I was all zipped up!"
by frank klaune March 16, 2004
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The term dates back to a camping outing in the late 80's where a friend of "House" (whom we called "Elvis") was having an inebriated conversation in which blowjobs (oral sex) was compared with whiskey. The analogy stated that you can have quick, nasty oral sex such as a quicky blowjob in a public restroom or in your car and that compares with the cheap, off-brands of whiskey which you also drink hastily and "chug" down. On the other hand, you have the finer, more desireable blowjobs where you are much more relaxed, take your time and truly enjoy the whole sexual experience much more, such as one done privately with some extremely hot girl you are dating. In turn, this compares with the finer, more expensive, quality bourbons which are poured into nice snifters or tumblers and sipped slowly at a special time and enjoyed much more- such as with fine Kentucky sipping whiskey. At this point someone asked "Elvis" if this meant that a quality blowjob meant you had a "sipping penis" and the group consensus was yes, indeed. A fine, quality blowjob was indicative of a "sipping penis". Of course, when "Elvis" used the term with his southern drawl, it was soon emulated with the spelling "sippin" and the penis term likewise pronounced in accord with the dialect.
Jennifer and I went on vacation. We spent the weekend in her folks' cabin and while watching the sun set on the porch, she gave me a knob job. Man, that was the best BJ I've ever had... she was truly sippin' penis!
by frank klaune December 17, 2004
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