15 definitions by face

1) A small woodland creature that lives in the hair forest in and around ones Anus. Usually the thicker said forest, the larger chance one would be infested by Butt Gnomes. Usually found in males, but females can become infected if they have a hairy anus as well.

2) Term used as a verbal attack. Who would want to live in a forest of anus hair?
Example 1:
Josh: "How are your Butt Gnomes doing?"

John: "I found one today, when I had my finger in my ass."

Jason: "I will rape him later."

Example 2:
Josh: "Look at my popped-up collar! I am the coolest man alive!"

John: "Whatever, I am pretty sure Butt Gnomes pop up their collars too... What a fag!"
by face February 23, 2005
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An accidental or deliberate misspelling of the word "the - A word placed before nouns to limit or individualize their meaning."

Most of the time, it's just some idiot who can't type.
I went to teh mall today.
by face May 14, 2003
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having had a brazilian bikini wax
"I just got ripped; I can barely walk! Get me some ice."
by face October 14, 2004
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A lone tree in the middle of a Disney Road.
Po' ole Pappy t' shrub.
by face February 14, 2005
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This is where Adster types with boxing gloves on. (Much like Strong Bad of homestarrunner.com fame )
-Ad- i kinda joined the board just to ask a simpel noon quesion

Translation -
I kinda joined the board just to ask a simple noob question.
by face November 23, 2003
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(verb) means you fucked up real bad and you are asking for the ass-whoopin of the century
by face October 30, 2003
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