by you wish you knew July 29, 2004
Growth & Development. 720° of the six pointed star. A six pointed star equals to 360° with the meaning of love,life,loyalty, knowledge,wisdom,understanding than back around it equals 720° meaning Education,Economics,Political,Social Development,Organization, Unity
Im a Gangster Disciple embracing the new concept of Growth & Development. Representing the 720° of pure universal knowledge
by RudyThaGod June 21, 2018
Used by Black Gangster Disciples (BGD) to represent haveing pure black and blue hearts. Meaning to be a full BGD. (black and blue are the colors of BGD)
by CD April 7, 2003
by Maxamillion Banks October 7, 2003
When someone grabs anothers balls and sqeezes them and turns them to a 720 ripping the nuts from the others body
by The man at lwca May 22, 2012